Friday, June 20, 2008

Hero Tips and Tricks: Mirana Nightshade, the Priestess of the Moon

The common mistake of some players is either to Leap too soon, or too Leap too late when Mirana is fleeing. Here's a quick tip. When facing enemies who have stuns, disables or has a Blink (including Dagger), try to Leap after you've seen them cast their spells. This would at least ensure you that after you leap, no one can catch up.

The Moonlight Shadow
Her ultimate is often underrated by many, because they think all it does is rescue her or her allies from immediate danger or sure death. True, this is a very important defensive use of her ultimate but what many players don't know is that it can be used offensively too.

Mirana's ultimate basically lends everybody in her team temporary invisibility. So just pretend your whole team has gotten the Invisibility rune. What do you guys do? You ambush the enemy.

In short, Moonlight Shadow can be used to set up an ambush. It can be against the whole team or just a couple of enemies.
But for this to be effective, your allies have to know what they have to do. Your team has to be coordinated. Once you get into your position, everything should go like clockwork. Your enemies would never know you were there.

Once you've used this tactic once or twice, you can now actually use another tactic against your enemies.

I call it the "missing ruse."

Tell your allies to go missing, meaning they leave their lane and so on. If your enemies are pushing down one lane, they might back off a bit, because they might think they will be ambushed. This actually wastes their time. Now they have to decide whether they should reorganize their push or fall back in to the woods. Once you see them take action, then just return to your lanes or get ready to defend.

If you didn't get the significance of this ruse, I'll explain it in simpler terms-- One aspect of DotA is fooling your enemies into doing things they really don't have to do. By making them think they'll be ambushed, you're actually undermining their push, giving your team a slight edge.

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