Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dota Allstars Tips

Dota Allstars Tips
November 28, 2005 on 8:10 pm By Keikor In DoTA-Allstars
Here are some rounded up In-Game-Playing tips when playing DotA Allstars for Warcraft III custom game. If you have more of these tips and guides to optimize the gaming experience, drop me an email or leave a comment.
Minimap Signal : Always use the MiniMap Signal to show your allies where enemies are spotted. This is a good practice, especially when you are being backstabbed or jumped. Allies nearby will know that there is something going on at that area. Shortcut key is Alt+G. Alternately, you can hold down the Alt key and left click on the minimap.
Toggle Minimap Terrain : This action will toggle the display of terrain on your minimap. Press once or twice until you see all black areas in your minimap. This feature is good for you to easily spot enemy heroes. Shortcut Key is Alt+T.
Set Ally Color Mode : This option will cycle through 3 different color modes for ally unit colors. Mode 1 is displaying all units with player’s color preference. Mode 2 is displaying allies unit color as Teal and enemy unit as Red. Mode 3 is almost the same as Mode 2 but displaying different color for the creeps units and heroes. Personally, i am using Mode 2 because it still allows me to see ally or enemy heroes’ color. Mode 2 or 3 is recommended but definitely NOT Mode 1. Because in the long run, you will be accustomed to enemy units as red in color, especially when you have toggled the minimap terrain to be all black in color for the minimap.
Always use the Alt key when playing: Note that Gold is very important in Dota, and using the Alt key allows you to see which creeps or heroes are low in hit point. This gives you an estimate of when you should attack. Remember that you get gold when you have the very last hit, no matter for creeps or heroes. So, using Alt key often will earn you more cash. After all, Dota Allstars is all about items and heroes.
Do not Attack Enemy Heroes when in tower range: Dota is designed to have towers automatically attacking you if you chose to right click on enemy heroes, or attack them. So, do not attack enemy heroes when you are under the tower range. Tower range is 700, so unless you are Dwarven the Sniper, do not hit enemy heroes.
Buy a Chick: The chicken, or Animal Courier, is the most powerful tactic in playing Dota. As i said, Dota is all about items and heroes. Buying an animal courier can save you tons of gold if you expect to die all the time. The chick costs $225 but trust me, it will worth it if you are always not returning back to base for healing. And if you are always returning to base just for buying items, this chick will save you many hassles. Of course, you can always use a leaver hero and control it to buy items, but expect a non-leaver game and make this a good practice. Also, when you feel like you are dying slowly, for example, being chased by Naix, there is nothing else to do, but to use the chick back in base and buy some items. Learn to use this often and you will get the items you want even if you die like 10 times in one game.
Preventing Creeps from attacking Towers: Use your hero to drag the enemy creeps from attacking towers. When you see enemy creeps coming and there is no ally creep from your side, use your hero to lure the enemy creeps to attack you. Lure them away from the tower until your ally creeps arrive. For example, if you are guarding the top lane of sentinel’s side, lure the creeps to the left side from the tower the time they approach. Note that you have to walk yourself upon the enemy creeps first so that they can set their target on you. You do not need to be hit by them but you have to make sure they are running towards you instead of the tower. It’s hard to explain in words. Pros can do this without any damage taken from the creeps.
Play More with Experts: Do not leave the game even if you or your team is getting owned. Watch how the dota experts play. They all have their own style of playing, and if you play more, you will learn more. Fucking come and visit the clan.
All of the above are just my personal experiences. I will update more when i think of more. There are tons of this small but useful guide to enhance your dota allstars gaming experience but i can’t think of anymore now. Will update the post when i think of more.

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