1. Terror
With its short cooldown and very small mana cost, it can be spammed mid to late game while pushing. The short cooldown allows you to cast it every creep wave, potentially strengthening the pushing creep wave, building it up faster (by lessening the creep deaths in your favor), making the wave more powerful once it hits the enemy tower or creep-producing buildings. So while pushing with Venge, always cast Terror! What are you saving up mana for? By this time of the game, Venge has more than 500 mana to spare, more than enough to cast a Magic Missile (or two) and Swap then Teleport (Boots or Scroll), in case she is ambushed. Terror makes a big difference. Add up these “differences” per creep wave and your side actually gains a mightier push.
2. Nether Swap
Show Stopper: It is pretty common knowledge already that this spell is coupled with a mini-stun. But still, this fact is often neglected. Just to reiterate, you can prevent a Sand King earthquake with a simple swap. You can stop Voodoo Death Ward from spraying your allies with fire bolts, still with just a simple swap. You could do so many things that beat the usual Swap-Stun combo. But here are more tricks. If you are facing a Magnataur or an Earthshaker or any other Initiator Hero (those that blink or jump into the middle of combat then do their stuff), you can use swap to mess up their combos. All you need is excellent timing, which can be achieved with practice. When you Magnus or Lesale getting into position, Swap them off the area to disorient them and their allies. Stun the most alert of your foes then make your clean escape.
Swap can also go through BKB Avatar and Repel, so even though enemy turns Avatar on then start a channeling spell like Town Portal, Epicenter, Freezing Field or Death Ward, they can be cancelled.
Swap save: Nether Swap can also be used to save allies from danger. Never hesitate to pull a dying ally off the battlefield, especially if your health is still full. For example, your ally Sven has done his job. Two foes down, but his life is down to 200 and his Black King Bar Avatar has already worn off. A nice swap would not only save a teammate, but could lead to another kill for your team.
You may also save an ally by swapping away the enemy chasing them. For instances that you are behind enemy lines, you can swap your enemies back getting you near your allies for escort support.
Hero Separator: You can actually use swap as a surprise attack. At times when there are 2 enemies near each other, you can focus on the one with lower life by swapping the one with max life AWAY to reduce the chance of double teaming. You can also use this to gain to your enemy away from the range of your swap. swap the hero near him and focus on your target. You can also use your ally as a blink in target. For example, get Razor or Magina to chase the enemy and swap them to get your stun in range.
Anti-Blink: For those who doesnt consider blinking heroes worthy to swap, well this could be a way to change your minds. This is actually a strategy against blinking heroes, here's what you do: It is important that you use stun first. This will give you a few cheap shots against your enemy. As you may observe, blinking heroes have a 0.75 sec. channeling animation while Swap has 0.5 sec delay, therefore, as soon as you see the blinking animation start, use your Nether Swap. This will either cancel the blink and give you more time to damage the enemy for the next stun, or move your enemy back therefore causing him to blink right beside you w/c means more time to whack him to death.
AoE Saving: There are times that you can help your teammates by swapping the enemy, away from the crowd instead of into. For example, you won't be able to do anything to cancel once there is a Sand King sending seismic waves at your allies. However you can swap him (SK) away from everyone, therefore wasting the remaining pulses he has yet to release. You can also do this with other heroes such as Luna (Eclipse), Leshrac (Edict and Pulse Nova), Krobelus (Exorcism), etc.
3. Command Aura
Usually, this is forewent in place of Bonus Stats points during early to mid game. But we have to remember that during team pushes and clashes, the bonus damage from this might be more beneficial to the team than the measly hit and mana points added to her pool. But when? Well, if there are at least two normal attackers / damage dealers in the team, like Storm Spirit and Drow Ranger, Rikimaru and Slithice, it is advisable to get Command Aura in place of stats. The damage boost may not amount to much but may spell victory for the team, and not just for the survival of Silkwood, your precious hero.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Tips and Tricks: Shendelzare Silkwood, the Vengeful Spirit
Tips and Tricks: Zeus, the Lord of Olympia
1. Arc Lightning and Static Field
It might already be known to many how well these two skills synergize. But I still notice many Zeus players not getting Arc Lightning till late game. Well, spamming a Level 1 arc lightning (extremely low many cost!) at an incoming push or defending enemy cluster could severely enervate their life points. Each cast triggers Static Field, reducing their current hit points by so-and-so percent but when you add these up, your Zeus is actually reducing the effective maximum HP of everyone from the opposing force! For how much? 200 mana? With sufficient Mana regen, this is negligible but the effects—the effects are wondrous.
2. Wrath, Wrath, Wrath!
The ultimate Kill Stealer / Finisher. Every Zeus player loves getting Double or Triple kill with this one. But his teammates hate it. But hey, we are here to discuss how to improve the role of Zeus in team clashes.
When to cast Wrath? Well, I am sure this has happened once too often in your DotA lives—you cast Wrath hoping to kill the enemy hero in red, but all you see is him typing, I live! You wonder how many HP he has left. Someone tells you, 24.
You missed that kill. Why, oh why? Because you did not cast Wrath immediately. The moral, cast it right after a team clash begins. The effects? You will encourage your teammates to fight on because they will see the enemy hp bars shrink back. Your enemies will also be somewhat terrified and the indecisive ones might pull back prematurely, ensuring your team victory for that battle. Plus, if you cast Wrath immediately, you maximize its effect. All enemy heroes get damaged. But if you cast it late, a lot of damage is wasted. The damage that your allies have dealt to kill some foes could have been distributed to other ones, rendering more kills, if and only if you casted Wrath immediately.
Shock them right away. Thundergod’s Wrath immediately. See the difference.
Also, Thundergod's Wrath gives vision to all enemy heroes. This means that we could use this to initiate an ambush or clash. With proper surveillance, your team can know when the enemies are NOT together but are relatively near each other. When this is the case, cast Wrath, then proceed to hunt the enemies as a team. Go for the loners first. The usual reaction of the foes nearby would be to lend their allies a hand. This is good because your team can actually nail them all. With the damage Wrath has incurred at the beginning, all the heores would be fairly easier to kill.
3. Lightning Bolt
This skill, Zeus's bread-and-butter spell, is so common but does eveyone know it can halt channelling spells? Yes, it does. So if you're Zeus, try to bear this in mind. Stop Crixalis once his tail goes up. Those fleeing heroes? Wait for them to start Town Portal then cast Lightning. Oyea.
Tips and Tricks: Aiushta, the Enchantress
1. Enchant!
A skill usually taken after early game. A skill used to slow enemies while pummeling them with forceful spears that send those light blue numbers flashing in the screen. Ouch.
But here's another way to use this skill. Surveillance. Reconnaissance. Enchant an enemy creep and send it to where you think the enemies are poised to ambush. Your creep will not only expose them but will also shake their will to carry on with their plan. Sure, you give them a bit of experience and gold, but you actually save your teammates by doing this. Besides, if you are just pushing, what harm is there in enchanting a creep then sending it to the woods to explore a bit?
If the mode is -ap and you're pitted against the goblins (Squee! and Spleen!), then this skill has actually more use. Yes, you can use enchanted creeps to set off traps and land mines! That way, you can foil their ambushes and surprise them with a counter ambush, and more or less turn the tides of the battle.
2. Untouchable + Nature's Attendants
Most of us already know how hard to kill Enchantress is with her having these two skills. But we can make the enemy's life a nightmare by doing this. In case your Enchantress falls down to half-life, you may want to take a risk. WARNING: You have to have some backup for this one!
Parade her in front of two enemy heroes (just not two nukers or you're dead before you can even nod your head). Now, do some stupid moves like get stuck between creeps to invite them to you! Yes, beguile them. Now, when they start chasing you, attack first, then pretend to falter, then run. Do not turn Nature's Attendants on yet! Let them chase you for awhile. Meantime, your allies should now emerge from their hiding places to initiate an ambush. If they start running, Enchant one and go for the kill. But if they don't, just tarry on, and turn the wisps on at the last possible moment so they would not get discouraged. If you turn it immediately, they'd just back out, and your team might miss two potential kills.
Tips and Tricks: Morphling, the Morphling
1. Morph
Cost-efficient Items
This one is a no-brainer but after seeing some people buy bracers in pubs, I felt I have to post this one. Never ever buy bracers for morphling because Wraith Bands would suffice. Use Morph to balance things out while regenerating beside the fountain. Remember that the minimum stats of Morphling (either for Agi or Str) depends on his base stats, not on the equivalent stats after item bonuses are added in. So learn to save money. Wraith Bands are IN.
Morphing out of Danger
This one is also an old trick. When being chased by an enemy, and you're down to red, start morphing some Agi to Str to gain hitpoints. If you have backup coming up, don't overdo it so as not to discourage your enemy from chasing you. Then at the precise moment, face him again, now with the help of your friend, pawn him. During intense clashes or 1v1 combats, it's also wise to turn Morph on when your health is starting to fall. Sometimes, it can save the day, making you score the kill.
2. Replicate
Although its not that really advisable to put a skill point in the ulti of morphling in early game, it is also very helpful to use morphling's ulti because it can do a lot of things. Aside from the norm, which is to copy copy strong opponents or allies, Morphling's Replicate can also do the following:
Decoy - Can act as decoy, copy an easy target ally (ex. sniper) before going into a clash and micromanage it, try luring your opponents on it, so that your opponents would waste their ulti's on that decoy. (the decoy is hard to be detected since, im not sure, but i think the duplicate hero doesnt receive any bonus damage, so it is as tough as the real one).
Slippery - Can save your life, in dangerous occasions you can make an illusion and put it in a safe place, and if ever you are in a tight position, you can swap places with your illusion.
Illusions FTW - You can augment other illusion Heroes especially Azwraith with Replicate because this additional illusion can copy itself too, with Juxtapose. Other applications include when you grab an Illusion Rune--adding another illusion to your team would unnerve the enemy, or cause them to waste spells and mana, forcing them to back from battle while cooling down, giving you the upper hand overall.
Hero Tips and Tricks: Medusa, the Gorgon
1. Mana Shield
We know how beneficial Mana Shield is for Medusa’s survival. So a no-brainer is always having it on once it is Level 4. But what if it is not yet maximized? We know it is not yet worth the mana to keep it on all the time. I agree with this but once you realize your Medusa is being targeted or chased, turn the shield on ASAP! It would buy you time to flee to your tower zone, and your allies who would back you up, as well.
2. Split Shot
Split Shot is another toggle skill. This is often turned on or off late because of many other distractions. Although it is up to the user when to turn Split Shot on, I want to opine that it is usually worth it to keep it on permanently once the skill has reached Level 4. While pushing, it is imperative for Split Shot to be on, of course but during clashes, others might say that focusing on a single hero is better. I think that for the benefit of the whole team, it is better if Split Shot is on so Medusa is able to deal an extra 125% damage every shot. Level 4 Split Shot deals 75% of final damage per arrow, with three arrows. 225% damage is no joke, although since it is distributed, its impact seems diminished. But if you put your team first, I am sure you would reconsider.
3. Purge
Proper Timing
When teamed up with disablers and stunners, you and your teammates should properly time your spells so the total disabling time they amount to is maximized. This goes out to all stuns and disables but Purge is a bit more special than the rest. Why? Because it removes Buffs and Debuffs. This means that timing it is harder, especially if you are facing a team that has a wide array of buffs and summons like Enrage, God’s Strength then Chen with creeps, and so on.
- When facing summons, purge them right away, if possible, before clashes.
- When facing Sven (without Black King Bar, of course), save your Purge till he uses his ultimate. Once he notices you are waiting for him, he will be crept out.
- When facing illusions, purge intelligently. If you hit the real hero, then monitor its movements so when the clash begins, you will know who to hit.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hero Tips and Tricks: Balanar, the Night Stalker
also be used for the same purpose. The important thing though, is to always be alert. When using Balanar, we should not just focus on the enemy we are "hunting." Sometimes, we overkill him/her by casting Void and Fear at the hero, and thus disregarding any other threat in the battlefield.
Balanar is a Team Hero
Let us get rid of the stereotypical Night Stalker that hunts enemies once night falls. No, he should be a team player and should be active during team pushes and clashes, where his disabling spells become most useful. Think of it this way, you only subdue one enemy when you hunt then kill using these spells. But when involved with your team, disabling two heroes at the same time may lead to two or more kills, and more survival for your team.
So next time you get hold of this ugly vampire, analyse your enemies first. Plan ahead. Who do I void? Who do I cripple? And the most important thing--WHEN? Which brings us to...
This is an important consideration when playing Balanar. As he has a meager mana pool, it is vital to conserve his spells, using them only when they're most needed. How does timing comes to play?
Well, you cast Fear to silence, right? Then never cast Fear after a nuker has just dished out his/her spells. It's useless! After the Fear wears off, the cooldown has ended too so it's nuking spree for him/her again. Bottomline: Cast Fear only when you feel your enemy is about to fight back using spells or make an escape using the same (Blink Dagger, for example).
Void, on the other hand, is used to slow enemies down. Sometimes, it's really fun to watch your Balanar chase hopeless heroes, then Voiding them to oblivion. But this is just plain childish. When you know the enemy has absolutely no means of escape, and his allies are far away, don't waste 145 mana for a finishing Void. Instead, conserve it, in case you get counter-ambushed after awhile.
Also, never, ever cast Void if you are not going for the kill. You pay lots of mana for the slow. If you are not really going to utilize it, then don't cast it. Let your other nuker teammates do the harassing.
2. Darkness
As I've mentioned above, Balanar is a Team Player. He should be one. Therefore, in my opinion, the team should make organized assaults once night falls. Instead of Balanar chasing poor Rylai once the clock hits 18:00, he should join his team and take towers down, or ambush enemies altogether. Yes, not chase loners down. It's good, yes, that you get the kills but believe me, you're doing your team more good if you lead them in battle. Augment your team's power with your Hunter in the Night and Spells. Be a team player.
Conversely, Darkness should be cast during those critical moments for your team. Say, it's still broad daylight and you need to take a base tower down. Cast Darkness then gather your teammates and break into their base. This skill may also be used as a pre-emptive spell--something that will ward enemies away from the center point (the river crossing). There's a psychological effect that whenever you turn Darkness on (what a pun!), the feeders or the "weaklings" among the enemy ranks tremble in fear. Make sure your team benefits from this "effect."
Lastly, browse the section above (Void and Fear) and think of other ways to incorporate Timing into Darkness, then Darkness with Balanar's other skills. Just please, please remember--Balanar may be a hunter, but if he hunts with the team, he'll be more heroic or hero-like. Whatever.
P.S. In lieu of this, I do not recommend Sange and Yasha for Balanar because you pay for the MS bonus here. If your Balanar is a team player, he does more hitting, and less chasing. Remember that in team battles, enemies are compelled NOT to run because if they run, they would just let their team down. So I suggest, get damage dealing and life stealing items to make Balanar the team player he really should be.
Hero Tips and Tricks: King Leoric, the Skeleton King
After having played with or using Leoric, I already memorized how people react to him. If he approaches you then stops somewhere within 600 range, you'd instinctively move back to get out of Storm Bolt's range. But what if Leoric continues towards you without casting Storm Bolt? In that split-second wherein he advances, your brain would actually tell you that he's not going to stun. (He may just be going for a last hit or something).
Wrong. A good Leoric player would not cast Bolt from the maximum range as this would waste at least a second of the stun in getting to the stunned enemy. A good Leoric player would semi-flank the enemy, pretending to hit a creep whereas he's actually going for the hero himself. Before the enemy could retreat, that's when you cast Storm Bolt to maximize the stun length.
Seems basic and easy to pull off, but a lot do not do this. They're so used to the times when they chase enemies wherein they have to cast Storm Bolt whenever possible. No. During clashes, walk towards your enemy first before stunning him. GG.
2. Reincarnation
This is Leoric's signature skill, the ability to come back to life. Good players know how to counter this. A well-timed ambush versus Leoric would waste his ultimate. So any ways to counter these Leoric-counters?
Personally, I am a fan of Kelen's Dagger of Escape, and I feel Leoric needs one, especially once team pushes and team ambushes begin to take place. This scenario often happens: your team clashes with the enemy, the enemy wins and most of your allies are dead or fleeing. You, too, die but with Reincarnation, you are resurrected in the battlefield. But all enemies are now around you--ready to finish you off the 2nd time. So what now? This is why I recommend Leoric to get Blink.
Offensively, Kelen's Dagger of Escape has its uses too. It can chase down enemies with ease, distract enemies and support your allies who may be in danger.
Another item that owes perusal is Manta Style. With Leoric's High Hp Pool, 3 Leorics are actually something when teams clash. Not only would this provide you with extra bit of Mana (for Storm Bolt and Reincarnation), but this also discourages enemies to focus fire on you, making you more useful to the team.
Offensive Uses
Reincarnation has an uber long cooldown especially at Levels 1 and 2. But more often than not, even good players do not fully utilize this cooldown. Meaning, they play too safely that the Reincarnation is put to waste. Of course better safe than sorry, but sometimes, Leoric really has to push his weight around (and let himself die) for the good of the team. Besides, if you have your Skeleton King equipped with Kelen's Dagger of Escape, you need not worry much about dying the second time.
- Tower Pushing - Let Leoric tank to take down that tower once and for all! (Same applies to creep-producing buildings)
- Hero Chasing behind enemy lines (a red hero managed to escape your friends' wrath but you happen to be in the vicinity.) Go chase him, land your storm bolts and grab the kill. If enemies are around, think twice, but be practical. What's your ultimate for? For display, only?
- Roshan - in dire situations, you may have to give up your utlimate just to crush this ugly Golem.
Lots of other situations but the bottom line is this: that ultimate of Leoric is meant to be USED. Don't let it go stagnant. Think quickly but rationally. Use this skill wisely. And please, please, get Kelen's.
Dota Tips and Tricks: Rexxar, the Beastmaster
But good players know the importance of this skill.
- The Hawk is for surveillance.
- The Quillbeast is for slowing enemies down (has both offensive and defensive uses)
For those who hate micromanagement (maybe because they can't properly do it), I can only advice -- Practice Makes Perfect.
Anyway, with its cheap mana cost, Rexxar's summons are really something we could not pass up. When I use Rexxar, or when my team has a Rexxar, I often share units or ask the Rexxar to share units so others could avail of the Hawk's scouting powers. The Hawk can patrol the woods, rune areas and act as a very mobile observer ward. So maybe for those who can't micro well, just share units with a friend who knows how to micro, and let him use the Hawk for you.
Also, I have to stress this point. I know many players prefer Beast Rage over Summons (all players get Wild Axes, I suppose), but early game, is Rexxar really able to attack his enemy three to five times in a row to really benefit from the attack speed bonus? What then does this skill do if Rexxar doesn't get this opportunity...? NOTHING. So that's another reason why his beasts have to be learned early.
2. Wild Axes
This spell is so intuitive. A no-brainer. Many players, in fact, have already mastered how to aim this properly to hit the most creeps and enemies. But what I'd like to point out here is the spell's ability to cut through trees! Yes, you should cast Wild Axes on forested areas while awaiting an enemy push just to check if they're hiding out there, preparing an ambush. You may also use this skill to reroute creeps or awaken neutrals. The possibilities and their benefits are endless. Think outside the box!
Dota Tips and Tricks: Lucifer, the Doom Bringer
When you devour an enemy creep, the enemies see you wherever you go, while you're chewing on the beast. Unfair, huh? Well, you can actually play with your foes with this trick. When you're a little short of health, you're down to 600/1500 Hp, go eat a creep then proceed to the forest. Tell your allies to be around the area for backup. Now, pretend to go neutral creeping. If your enemies are greedy enough, they'll send two or three to ambush you, since they hate you so much. When they come, your allies should be ready. You Doom one, then fight on. If you planned it all well, the enemies would all end up dead.
P.S. If you think this idea is too risky or far-fetched, let me be the first one to tell you that it IS not. Greedy enemies often feel confident, as if they're all Supermen. They'll be off guard when your allies appear to counter ambush them. If you guys are not convinced, I'll put up a replay here soon illustrating this trick. But in the meantime, try it. If you pull it off, you'd surely ROFL.
2. Scorched Earth
I won't go remind everyone again that this is Doom's way of pushing. I won't remind everyone to spam this skill mid-to-late game.
Forest Fire
But I'm here to remind everyone that this spell wipes out trees. So what's the best way to prevent campers from loitering in the woods? This skill. You know they're waiting for you there. Cast this then use that element of surprise to launch a counter-ambush. With proper timing, you'll be able to send them all to hell.
Forest Fire Part 2
What happens when there's a forest fire? The beasties run! When you know there's going to be a clash in the woods soon, get ready to cast this spell on the havens of our furbolgs, satyrs, trolls and whatnot. With them joining the fray, your team might be able to secure victory. Just make sure you position this spell correctly so the creeps won't come for you! Anyway, the added creeps to the screen would also distract your enemies and make the cuss... WTF who let the creeps out?
3. Level Death and Doom
These skills are very easy to use so I would not go into much detail with them. I just want to remind everyone that during team games, these skills can be more helpful if the one controlling Doombringer would prioritize certain heroes as targets. LVL Death is coupled with a mini-stun so it can be used to cancel channeling skills. Doom, of course, has silence. But with regards to Doom, I think it should be cast first on (with decreasing priority):
a) Heroes who entirely rely on spells to deal damage and disable (Rhasta, Enigma, Rylai, Necrolyte)
b) Damage dealers who rely on spells to be efficient and to survive (Gondar, Bone Clinkz, Mortred)
When you are Lucifer, weigh things beforehand. Know your enemies and analyse first. Who could be the biggest threat? Who among the enemies should I Doom to weaken their team most? Ask questions like these early in the game so when the need arises, you know what to do. Don't be like the other Doom players who merely Doom the feeders or the easy kills so as to get the kills themselves. This is a selfish attitude and bear in mind that by adopting this disposition, you are NOT at all being helpful to your team.
Dota-Allstars 6.52d is a Stable Map Now!
If you check getdota.com, you can say bye bye to 6.48b and welcome the Dota-Allstars 6.52d as the new stable map. this means a lot. The competitive game/ tournament of Dota-Allstars will use new map (even tough some of them already are). And a new stable map means RGB/LazyFiend will make us another AI map!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Hero Tips and Tricks: Razzil Darkbrew, the Alchemist
He is the most low-profile of all heroes. I have not seen anyone in weeks use him except in All Random matches, or when a hero got him from availing of a random hero. Why is he this unpopular? Was it because of the 6.43 “nerf” on him? A lot of people say he is really weak, but I beg to differ. I strongly disagree with this claim, because for me, the Alchemist is a strong team player—a pusher, a farmer, an offensive and defensive supporter, and a potential late-game killer.
Pusher – Razzil is a good pusher mainly with his Chemical Spray skill, which allows him to clear out an entire wave of creeps in seconds. Secondly, his ultimate, Chemical Rage, which regenerates HP in huge amounts, allows him to stay indefinitely in a lane, allowing him to dominate that lane.
Farmer – Chemical Spray and Goblin's Greed theoretically make Razzil DotA is best farmer because of the simple fact that he gets more gold per kill. Being the farmer he is, he can amass gold faster than the others, giving him access to good items—for himself, and maybe for his carry teammates. (It is really wise come late game for Razzil to farm Level 4 recipes for the carry heroes in his team.)
Support – Chemical Spray and Unstable Concoction are two very good skills, and even “imba” if really used in conjunction with the team. I will go into detail with these two skills later.
Late-game killer – When properly equipped, and in his Chemical Rage, Razzil Darkbrew can slice and dice enemies with ease. Combined with the help of his stun and the armor reduction from the chemical spray, he can match most agility and strength heroes in hand-to-hand combat.
1. Items
I am not making an Alchemist hero guide here but I feel I must include an item build for readers to have a better idea on how to use Alchemist.
Early game, I suggest an Arcane Ring and some Stat Items to boost make him last longer in a lane. Next he should aim for “all-around items”, items which raises many hero aspects, in contrast with items which focus on one aspect alone. (Compare Eye of Skadi and Heart of Tarrasque).
Some items I recommend are Sange and Yasha, Eye of Skadi, Battle Fury, and Linken's Sphere. These items buff him out, and also give him damage bonuses and some point regeneration. While building these items, it is advisable to get Kelen's Dagger of Escape. It helps him get into position. Note that when you cast spray, enemies often flee backward to avoid it. The dagger enables Razzil to blink right next to enemies and start hitting them before they can flee. Dagger also works well with his stun. After stunning, blink right next to enemy to avail of the free hits.
It is also good to get Assault Cuirass when the game drags on. The armor bonus helps Razzil a lot, while the attack speed aura makes the team more powerful as a whole.
How about his footwear? Treads or Travel? It depends on what role you are performing for the team.
If you have become a seasoned pusher already, pushing lanes to their limits, then farming, get Travel, to improve your game.
If you have decided to join your teammates in ambushes and in team pushes, get Treads, since you would be attacking more often.
However, in my opinion, Travel is usually the better choice because I am assuming Alchemist would have no money problems. Late game, Travel always makes a difference.
2. The Chemical Spray
This is your bread-and-butter skill, if you are that Ogre-Goblin team. By mid-game, you should have enough mana regen to be able to spam this. However, at this juncture, I would focus on its role in team clashes (to justify my claim that Razzil is a good supporting hero).
Never, ever cast this before your team engages the enemy. This will pre-empt the fight causing enemies to fall back, wasting your spell. Cast this when the first few spells have been cast—like stuns, disables, ultimates. Then jump into the fray and start slicing enemies. If you cast this a few seconds AFTER the fight has begun, enemies will be at a quandary. Will they turn back or will they fight it out? This is good. You have confused them. The cowards might pull back, enabling your teammates to focus fire on the remaining heroes, ensuring you victory for that clash.
3. The Unstable Concoction
As I have said above, Spray is not an initiator. Unstable Concoction IS the initiator. It is one of the most controversial spells in DotA. Many claim it is useless, but after it was improved in 6.43b, I will be the first one to tell you that this is a very underrated spell—its role in the team is very vital. True, it is hard to master, but again, practice makes perfect. It is one of those spells that really require skill on the part of the player. But I assure you, it IS a strong skill.
If you see someone channeling a spell, just cast this one and release immediately. Cancels teleport, Epicenter, Freezing Field, Black Hole and so on.
Early Game
Honestly, this is the first skill I get when I use Alchemist. Why? Because it is a nuke-stun. So go partner with another stunner/disabler/nuker, and go for First Blood.
Timing is the crucial thing to master with this spell. To get the maximum stun length, Razzil has to channel for five seconds, which is crazy, as some people would say. Actually, it is not. So here is what you do: After a creep wave defeats the opposing creep wave, stay behind your creeps and wait for the enemy hero to come in sight. Once he does, start channeling. Chances are, he will continue moving forward, thinking his creeps are there to back him up. Once the stun is released, your lane partner should start availing of the free hits, then following up with another disable/nuke/stun. Razzil, after channeling should jump right into the fray too.
This spell is a very useful ambush tool. Just go to the woods then find a spot that overlooks the spot where the enemy is. Tell your ally to engage the enemy while you start channeling this spell. Chances are, by the time your ally has begun attacking your enemy, the latter is stunned for five seconds. Jump into the lane and aid your friend. An easy kill.
But what is not easy is timing the channel. I do not think I can enumerate concrete steps on how to get the timing right. It really is a matter of skill, so just practice. Your efforts will pay off.
Team Battles/Defending
When a team battle is about to start, pick someone for your team to focus fire on then aim this spell on him. While you are channeling, your teammates should engage the enemy to officially start the battle. Once the guy you are aiming at is stunned, focus fire on him, and do not forget to cast Spray! If your team play is perfect, you would cause disarray among your enemies, making them indecisive. Because you initiated the fight with this subtle stun, chances are they would not anticipate it.
When defending, the same principle should be applied. Use your higher ground advantage (in case you are defending the base towers already). Anticipate the moment when your enemies will storm the tower. Channel Concoction 5 seconds before that so the target would be stunned at a spot where he is really vulnerable. The 5-second stun makes a difference—that I assure you.
Alchemist can also choose to hide among trees outside base and channel from there. After the stun is released, he back stabs the enemy and pours his chemicals all over the place. That way the enemies are somewhat sandwiched, making some of them think they are going to lose the battle. This is good, because if they start retreating, that means you did a great job.
Hero Tips and Tricks: Mirana Nightshade, the Priestess of the Moon
The common mistake of some players is either to Leap too soon, or too Leap too late when Mirana is fleeing. Here's a quick tip. When facing enemies who have stuns, disables or has a Blink (including Dagger), try to Leap after you've seen them cast their spells. This would at least ensure you that after you leap, no one can catch up.
The Moonlight Shadow
Her ultimate is often underrated by many, because they think all it does is rescue her or her allies from immediate danger or sure death. True, this is a very important defensive use of her ultimate but what many players don't know is that it can be used offensively too.
Mirana's ultimate basically lends everybody in her team temporary invisibility. So just pretend your whole team has gotten the Invisibility rune. What do you guys do? You ambush the enemy.
In short, Moonlight Shadow can be used to set up an ambush. It can be against the whole team or just a couple of enemies.
But for this to be effective, your allies have to know what they have to do. Your team has to be coordinated. Once you get into your position, everything should go like clockwork. Your enemies would never know you were there.
Once you've used this tactic once or twice, you can now actually use another tactic against your enemies.
I call it the "missing ruse."
Tell your allies to go missing, meaning they leave their lane and so on. If your enemies are pushing down one lane, they might back off a bit, because they might think they will be ambushed. This actually wastes their time. Now they have to decide whether they should reorganize their push or fall back in to the woods. Once you see them take action, then just return to your lanes or get ready to defend.
If you didn't get the significance of this ruse, I'll explain it in simpler terms-- One aspect of DotA is fooling your enemies into doing things they really don't have to do. By making them think they'll be ambushed, you're actually undermining their push, giving your team a slight edge.
Hero Tips and Tricks: Mercurial, the Spectre
1. Spectral Dagger
Pushing Tool
This spell can double as an AoE Nuke against incoming creeps. Even if deals moderate damage, it still aids you in getting last hits on creeps, and pushing for your team.
Scouting / Recon Tool
You can cast this to give you vision of an area, as well. Or, if you know enemies are coming down the lane, you can cast this one to slow them down, and at least anticipate any incoming attack or engagement.
Team Clashes
During team battles, do not cast your Dagger recklessly, meaning you just aim on your personal target, then cast. No. Position yourself wisely so that when you cast Dagger, you hit as many enemy heroes as possible. Why? So that all will trail shadow paths, which greatly reduces their move speeds, helping your team win that fight. In case they retreat, your allies could easily catch up with them.
2. Haunt
Push then Haunt
This is basic. While your team pushes Middle Lane or sets up an ambush, keep pushing a lane till the last moment, then Haunt in to confuse enemies defending tower or whatever. That way, you were able to push for your team and also participate in the team battle.
Map Hack
At level 3, Haunt has a fast cooldown and can be used sometimes by your team to locate enemies, so you can plan and act accordingly.
Battle Initiator
This is a good initiating spell for ambushes and team battles because of the confusion it could give. Once 5 Spectres pop up in the battlefield, the enemies would get a slight jolt, and would have some trouble getting in position amidst the chaos. However, I must caution you, also, that pre-emptive casting of Haunt might be disastrous. Enemies might just fall back, then strike again once your team loses its momentum. My tip: cast it, if and only if, you're already sure the battle is about to begin.
Some Timing Tips
During clashes where you didn't use Haunt immediately, save it in case there are enemies who have some escape mechanisms. For example, enemy Ezalor is down to 400 Hp. Chase him then wait for him to Blink away, then that's the time you use Haunt. Do not Haunt too early because this skill is usually your last resort to catch a fleeing enemy.
Now, imagine a team battle where an enemy down to 200 Hp starts to retreat, leaving his 4 friends behind. Do not chase after him yet! Instead, continue fighting the other foes then when your team gets a few more kills, then Haunt to chase the hero who had tried fleeing. Chances are, he/she is still a viable kill. Just use your head. If the fleeing enemy has a Scroll of Town Portal, then finish him/her off but if not, help your allies first, just Haunt later.
Hero Tips and Tricks: Vol'jin, the Witch Doctor
1. Maledict
This is Vol'jin's signature and most useful spell when it comes to team battles. We all know how short its casting range is, and it's small AoE, making it a very hard spell to aim. Usually, opponents would be able to dodge this one because they can see you coming towards them. Here are a few tips in aiming this one.
- The most common way to pull Maledict off is to cast Paralyzing Casks first to keep enemies in place. Although the easiest, it sometimes wastes Casks as it's often needed in the middle of the battle, not at the start.
- Flank the enemy. This is slow and risky but works well if your teammates would distract the enemies.
- Backstab the enemy. Come from behind--that's the easiest way but the hardest to pull off, and also time-consuming. But this works well in team clashes so your enemies would not see Death Wards coming up.
- Get a Kelen's Dagger of Escape. Wait for the battle to start then jump in. Cast Maledict, follow up with Casks then drop your Death Wards. The key here is to blink in AFTER the battle has begun so you'd take everyone by surprise.
Maledict Team Strategy
To be efficient, your team has to focus fire on the person Maledicted UNTIL you are sure the curse will kill him/her. Whack him till you know he'll be dead for sure, then focus fire on other enemies. How to know this? There are no tips on this one, sadly. You have to be an experienced DotA player to be able to estimate if Maledict can kill a hero. It's harder than estimating Doom, but it can be done.
Another team strategy would be WHO TO MALEDICT? I suggest you the damage dealers -- Agility Heroes and Nukers, those that deal the most damage during a team battle. When someone is Maledicted, he/she will usually back off a bit, and that would spell the difference for your team.
2. Bouncing Casks
This is a very good stunning spell because it can stun many heroes at a time for a relatively cheap mana cost. The hard part about this is the fact that it's bouncing is random, pretty much like Lich's Chain Frost. However, here are some tips on how to utilize them during team battles.
- I do not recommend this to be the first spell you cast in team battles. Why? Because from experience, it pre-empts enemies, and intimidates them so much that they back out immediately. True, you might be able to land a few hits on them but what really happened is that you made them more cautious. Next time, they would be careful and might even target you first.
Bear in mind that Vol'Jin should not be the "star disabler" of the team. He should just be a supporting disabler, therefore somebody else should initiate the battle. Someone with AoE Nukes/Stuns and so on.
- Casks is more useful after the battle has begun. Let your opponents fight you first then dish your stunning casks out to gain the upper hand. Try to cast this when there are few creeps too, so the precious second-stuns would not be wasted. Use this spell to follow up your team's primary disables - Impale, Hex/Voodoo, Stuns and so on. By the time the stunning casks have stopped bouncing, your enemies are terrified and might try to retreat (especially if you have planted Death Wards already). Chase them a bit, but prioritize the Maledicted hero. Even if you do not wipe out their entire team, at least you can now safely push one tower or even two.
- Pushing Skill - Do not forget to spam this skill while pushing. You can also try this if you need to push fast. Kill one or two creeps from the incoming creep wave then skip to the next wave then cast this one. This should bring them to orange health, giving your creeps an advantage. Rinse and repeat. Just be wary, you might be ambushed.
3. The Wards of Death
This skill seems easy to pull off but what you really need to master with this spell is timing. Here are some tips:
- Do not initiate a battle with this one. You'll be stunned, no doubt. Therefore, wait for enemies to cast their stunning spells before planting this one. Even if you have Black King Bar or Lothar's, try not to initiate battles with this one because enemies will just move out of danger. The end result - you wasted our ultimate, you wasted your avatar, the enemies will retaliate after ten seconds. GG for your team.
- Cast this when the battle is already in full swing. That way, no one will notice you as each enemy has their own target already. Try not to be targeted too... because your skills are vital. So before a team clash, stay behind your teammates or hide among trees. Show up or blink in when the fight's begun.
- Watch out for enemies with VANGUARD! Vanguard blocks chaos damage so try to cast this one far from those with Vanguard. Every hit counts.
- Cast whenever you can. Why? Because for such a powerful ultimate, it has a fast cooldown. So don't hesitate. Even if it's just a mini encounter in the forest, cast it for the kill.
Hero Tips and Tricks: Harbinger, the Obsidian Destroyer
1. Astral Imprisonment
In my opinion, all OD users should max this skill first. I'm very surprised to see some players not getting this until mid-game. These players max Arcane Orb and Essence Aura first. I'm very sure this is a wrong way to use OD.
First of all, Arcane Orb is a percentage skill which means it is more effective later in the game. At low hero levels, it's pathetic.
Now, let's focus on Astral Imprisonment. What kind of skill is this anyway? Aside from being a DISABLE, it is a skill that increases the effective damage of Harbinger's ultimate and also a skill that cuts enemy mana pools, preventing them to cast some spells or perform some combos.
Compare it with Harby's other skills-- isn't it obvious that this skill has the most use early game? Essence Aura is good, also, but since you usually get two skills before your ultimate, you get this one first. Arcane Orb is situational. Sometimes I put one point in it, sometimes I let my teammates do the damage dealing while I just support. For me, the latter option is better in organized games.
Early Game
This skill is not yet effective at Level 1 so I would suggest you start casting it at Level 2. At Level 2, it effectively reduces an enemy's mana pool by 52 (13x4), and slightly reduces its mana regeneration rate as well. This is very effective against those Agi and Str casters like Axe, Raigor and Nevermore. When Obsidian gets to Level 5, he has Level 3 Astral already-- so spam this continuously so that your enemy would have very little intelligence when you reach Level 6. Just watch out for your mana-- make sure you have enough mana to cast Sanity's Eclipse.
Offensive Uses
These are pretty intuitive.
- Cast to isolate an enemy. Useful in setting up an ambush, allows you and your allies to surround an enemy.
- Cast when chasing enemies for the most obvious reasons.
- Cast during team clashes to get rid of the damage dealer (Agi-type late gamers) or those pesky chain-nukers.
- Cast while pushing towers down to get rid of the defending hero who might want to deny.
- Cast to cancel channeling spells such as Dismember and Freezing Field and of course, Teleport.
- Cast on enemy to prevent him/her from denying or getting a money shot on creeps.
and so on.
Defensive Uses
- Cast to evade the enemy hero chasing you.
- Cast on your teammate who's been hit with Doom, Poison Nova and other Damage over Time spells.
- Cast on yourself to have a 4-second reprieve while waiting for allies to back you up.
- Cast on someone who is being double or triple teamed. Now, draw the enemy fire unto you and your other allies.
- Cast on someone who has just killed Roshan, then take the goodies. LOL.
and many more.
You can get really creative with this skill.
2. Arcane Orb
Image / Summon Blaster
Let us not forget that this skill enables OD to blast illusions and summons to oblivion. This works well against Chen, Warlock, Terrorblade, and also those who would want to get Manta Style.
When to Auto-cast
Early game, you don't auto-cast this because of its high mana cost but when you already have a huge mana pool, you may want to turn this spell on before battles. If you already have an insane mana pool, one that is hardly depleted, go perma-Arcane Orb so you can push swiftly, too.
3. Essence Aura
Be a team player. Try to be in the middle of everybody during team battles and team pushes so your allies could benefit from this aura of yours. Encourage your teammates to spam their cheap spells (those that cost few mana e.g Empower) so their mana could be replenished.
4. Sanity's Eclipse
Be Smart!
Invest on your Intelligence because this skill often decides the outcome of team battles. But provide some balance as well. Don't go buying Mystic Staffs when your health is around 1000 Hp only! I suggest a Blink Dagger for OD, too, because he's a favorite target during team battles.
Reminders in Casting
Yes, OD's ultimate has a relatively long casting delay, which makes him miss sometimes. Take this in consideration. Aim in front of the enemy, in case he's running away. If someone like Gondar goes invisible, cast this one anyway, as it can still hit him. Lastly, do not wait for an enemy to be in red before casting this. Do not go greedy. Be a teamplayer. Cast this immediately to drain mana away from the enemy Int heroes and deal as much damage as possible. If you have managed to cast a well-aimed Eclipse at the start of a clash, the battle's already won.
Hero Tips and Tricks: Demnok Lannik, the Warlock
1. Shadow Word and Upheaval
Shadow Word is the "no-brainer" spell of Warlock. A heal and nuke rolled into one. This is very helpful in controlling a lane. But why do we get Upheaval? Actually, the first question is when. Upheaval is a supporting spell useful only when you have allies to back you up. So get this if you're not taking Mid-lane. You may want to team up with a damaging hero like Razor or Traxes, or someone with a nuke/disble like Lion.
How to use Upheaval effectively? I understand this is one of the most avoided skills in DotA because... many people go WTF. A CHANNELING Slow? Who needs that? Your team DOES. So here's how. Go to the woods and back stab or flank your enemies. Then on queue, cast it while your ally engages one target. Don't worry. The spell will slow everything so you wouldn't be harmed much. But be sure your ally is reliable because if your ally is a threat, most likely the enemies you're facing on that lane will retreat, giving you and edge.
In team clashes, Upheaval is even more useful. When things get hot, cast it on the battlefield to slow everyone down. Your enemies would be dumbfounded -- First they couldn't reach your team (for the melee heroes), next they realized they're stunned/slowed/damaged heavily by your allies, then finally they realized they can't escape either. This spell rocks, everyone should know that. It is an AoE Slow making it very useful for the team. I advise the readers to try it one or two games, then practice it if they like the results.
Upheaval is also used to prevent enemies from catching up with your fleeing allies. For example, a maddened Sven is chasing your Lich. Stand in Sven's path then channel this one. It's a life saver. If Sven shifts to you, you can actually turn the tables. Lich turns back to cast a nova, while you Word Sven (or yourself). Everyone thinks Warlock is only good for his infernals--prove them wrong.
2. Shadow Word and Fatal Bonds
I've seen many advanced players adapt this style early game. Word, of course, is obvious, but Bonds is not. Many would reason out that it just wastes mana and does not deal much damage anyway. Actually, it does. Do you want mathematical computations for this one? Say so, and I'll put everything here. But to keep this guide simple, imagine a creep bonded with an enemy. Every time that creep takes damage, 1/5 goes to the enemy. Of course this creep is also damaged when other bonded creeps are damaged but if you put it this way: a 500+hp creep takes that much damage before it dies. Roughly less than 1/5 of this also goes to the hero. So say, 75 - 80 damage goes to that hero. How many other creeps? 3 or 4? You get 225-240 damage. Then factor in the damage you actually deal the hero. And even better if another hero is among the units bonded... which means more life, more damage, more damage distributed.
If you do not believe me, I suggest you try this yourself too. Harass an enemy and when you have sufficient mana, fatal bonds him/her with full-life creeps then watch his Hp bar after the creeps are cleared.
3. Shadow Word and Stats
Ususally, this skill build is taken when Warlock goes mid. It's the most commonly-used skill build for early game (before level 8) and is also the easiest to carry, also the safest coz stats give more hp and mana to sustain Shadow Word. This build is good when you are solo because the other skills of Warlock are only for support. (Fatal Bonds may be good for solo too but it's potential is maximized when there's an ally dishing out damage, too.)
Novel Item Builds
Let's forget the "race to Refresher Orb" build and try to explore other possibilities. I am not saying that R. Orb is bad for Warlock because it, in fact, is good. Double Infernals ensure the destruction of towers and buildings, which is good. But the downside of this build is Warlock's inflexibility. It's as if that's his only role in the team. Well, if the enemy sees this, all they need to do is ambush Warlock every now and then to prevent him from getting R. Orb or levelling up. Once Warlock is under-leveled, he becomes a liability already. His Shadow Word becomes obsolete and he easily dies in battle.
So in the Warlock Section of my guide, I list down some items to peruse upon.
Bloodstone - this item, improved in the latest version, enables Warlock to spam all his spells continuously, making him an adept support spell caster for the team. Also, this item raises his life and stayability in battle. Similar items include Linken's Sphere and Eye of Skadi but these two don't appear to be that useful.
Hands of Midas, Treads - this makes Warlock an able fighter. Without his skills, Warlock is food for enemies. Putting IAS items would at least make him useful in dealing out normal damage too.
Mjollnir - I personally love this item for Warlock because this makes him the all-around hero. He is strong, smart, and now, he attacks swiftly with occasional Chain Lightnings (which, along with the Lightning Shield, synergizes with Fatal Bonds). If you get this item for Warlock, he can participate more in late-game battles, and not rely too much on his infernal and spells.
Radiance - if you are able to farm well with your Infernals, you may want to get this if no one got this from your team. It also synergizes with Fatal Bonds --- more than you can imagine. Also, it improves his damage, making him a fighter hero late game. Although not as good as Strength heroes, at least Warlock can more or less stand on his own.
Other items may be useful too so think about it.
Infernal Pushing
When you feel you have to return to the fountain already (say after a bloody battle), make sure your Infernal pushes on. Micro your infernal to get all creeps in a creep wave. This way, you can farm while MIA. Warlock is an insane farmer because of Infernal--make sure you capitalize on this.
What is Orb Walking and how to Orb Walking
1) Only use manual casting of arrow effects (hence, the "orb.")
2) You'll note that after manual casting the attack, the projectile leaves the hero rather fast and he then stands around looking stupid (Harby jiggles sometimes, Viper flaps his wings, etc.)
3) The above is known as backswing; if you don't cancel it, a running hero stands a good chance at getting away. If you DO cancel the leftover animation, you can chase extremely effectively.
4) Orb walking does NOT increase DPS - it is only a way to chase and not draw creep aggro at the same time. Once you get a few IAS items, better to just autocast.
Orb walking is manually casting an arrow, then animation cancelling to negate the backswing time.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dota Tips: How To Survival and not getting killed?
A Game Of Clicking
As ridiculous as this might sound, DotA is basically just a game of selecting and clicking. So basically, to survive, just avoid being selected! Now when we talk about being targeted, we talk about focus fire.
I bet most of you probably asked yourself 'why me?' everytime you got killed. Well, there are numerous factors and they can range from you being an asshole, you're pwning hard, you being a major threat, you being the combo starter, you being the key person in your team, you being the most fragile hero in your team or just simply your enemy's skill work best on you.
So how do you avoid being focus fired? Easy, just determine the reason why they would target you and fix it. For example, for being an asshole, it's better that you just lay low and don't talk to your enemy the whole time you are playing the game. Or for being the most fragile hero in the game, fix your HP problem. Or being a combo starter, get a Blink Dagger and stay far behind the battle range.
On the contrast, being focus fired isn't necessary always a bad thing. For example, if the opposing team are too obsessed in wanting to kill you, you could always use that to your team advantage and irritate them. Make it hard for them to kill you so that they'll have to choose between killing you or killing the other 4 players on your team who are picking them off one by one.
But if you're totally run out of alternatives and distracting the enemy is hard for you, you could just hide behind your team and enter the battle last. Let's say that you're a Soulkeeper and there is a Necrolyte on the opposing team. Just lay low and wait until Necrolyte used his ultimate before you enter the battle, that way you could be safe. Make sure the stereotype threats for you are shut quiet before you enter the battle.
Like I said, DotA is just a game of selecting and clicking. One useful way of making you harder for the enemy to select is through something we called 'juking'. Juking is basically a way of hiding in the fog of war where your enemy can't see/select you.
To juke, just walk into places that could hide you from enemy's sight, for example the forest. When you are escaping, always walk close to the tree, that way, the trees would cover you. Or you could walk into some of the secret forest paths if you know them. Try to explore the map if you have the time because you won't know when this extra knowledge might save your ass.
Juking is best combined with the teleport scroll. If the situation gets really tight, you could always just hide in the juke spots and teleport out to to safety.
Appearing What You're Not: The Psychological Approach
This is a technique that is very effective against beginner or intermediate player. The idea is basically keeping your HP full at all time so that the enemy doesn't has the urge to nuke/kill you.
It's common human psychology that people tend to score an easy kill. Mostly in pubs where it's all about who's the best in kill stealing. If you're HP is always full, most people would let their teammates nuke you first until you have low HP enough then they'll take the one last shot at you. So if you are able to keep out of their range and avoid being nuked to red HP, they mostly won't have the urge to kill you.
Other than that, this could also train you not to rely much on your HP regeneration items. I once read a user criticizing the my guide not having any HP regeneration item early game and wondered how could I even managed to farm up a Radiance, well here's your answer.
Not getting nuked > HP regeneration. As simple as that.
Learn how the creep and tower AI work and keep yourself from being focused. Optimised your damaged taken to be as low as possible and you'll be out of trouble.
Just like any health/medical tips, 'preventing is better than fixing'.
Plan B For Backup
Anyone with half a brain would know about this but yet, we always fail to keep it. I think most people have a backup plan, the only problem is sticking to it.
Anyway it is always important to have a backup plan so that when things go wrong, it won't get worst or uglier. For example, it's always funny for me to see a Magina who blinks towards me just so that he thinks he could kill me. I just let him hit me until my HP is red enough and run. He blinks towards me thinking that a few more hits then I would be dead, but what he doesn't know is that I have a full pack of combo that could kill him under my sleeve. What happened next is that the Magina died with frustration.
The lesson that I'm trying to teach from the story above is that the Magina should have saved his Blink incase things have gone bad. He should have used his movement speed to harass and if he had calculated well enough, he could have killed me instead of having the idea of chasing.
Obsession And Greed
Believe me when I say this that 80% of the deaths in DotA was caused the by player himself. It is part of human nature, be it in life or in DotA, it is hard for people to let go, even the smallest stuffs.
From what I observed during the time that I am play this game is that I died not because I was careless or I wanted to, but it's because I allow the enemy to be able to do so. It really sucks to see a red HP enemy hero running away from you but what sucks even more is chasing him and dying along the way.
We are our own worst enemy and greed is something we have to overcome at the end of the day, not the enemy that got away.
Always remember that your death isn't worth a kill, especially if you had already outleveled everyone. If your enemy got away, let it be because he has to waste his time going back to base and regen. Make that a consolation.
But still, it's better if you could kill that guy but do it the safe way. To do so, always remember to have an attack plan and set how far you would go before you execute it. Always follow your attack plan and don't force yourself to do anything other than it because that is when things starts to go wrong. Always stick to the rules of engagement.
Learn how to let go because if you don't, obsession is what comes right after. And if you're not able to shake out of it, that can really screw up your entire match.
DotA is just a game of selecting and clicking.
Find out the reason why you're being targeted and overcome it.
Disturb/taunt your enemy if they likes to focus you and use that to your team advantage.
Know when it is safe for you to enter the battle.
Juke whenever you're in danger.
Explore the map if you have the time.
Always carry a teleport scroll with you.
Preventing is always better than fixing.
Try to keep your HP as green as possible to avoid the urge of being nuked.
Always have a backup plan and stick with it.
We are our own worst enemy.
Learn how to let things go.
A death is not worth a kill.
Always plan your attacks, set your limits and have rules of engagement.
Never ever disobey your own rules of engagement.
Dota:Dwarven Sniper tips and Guide
Do you feel like being Rambo? Then you should choose Sniper be your hero. He is all about killing from a great distance with deadly accuracy. Headshots, criticals, you name it Sniper has it all. You just have to adopt the right play style and buy the adeqvate items and your suited for the massacre.
Kardel Sharpeye - The Dwarven Sniper
This hero is suited for damage dealing and killing many and fast. No chit chat they wont even see you coming or shooting but they will feel you in the game for sure when they start falling (apart :P).
He is all about agility, so more agility means more damage, more critical hits, and faster attack rate. This is just awesome.
Headshot "The shot deals bonus damage and stuns for a short period of time", well i must this will be your primary spell that you will have to lvl up early in game at lvl 4 it will deal 50 bonus damage, "in 40% of time", and 0.2 second stun. So this way you can easily disarm any opponent you may encounter. And if you have a Sange/Yasha and a Crystalis to aid you in critical and speed ... then you wont have any problem at all. Don't forget this is a passive skill.
Take Aim This is another passive spell which will enhance the range of Kardel`s rifle by 220 range at lvl 4, this way you can keep on shooting them from far back, but they wont be able to touch you lol, the noobs.
Scatter Shot (C) "Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air, which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive pellets, each doing 10-25 physical damage in a 200 area of effect. Deals damage to buildings. Cast range of around 750. 1 second cast time." Well this spell is very useful to if they are many heroes in one place because this deals damage in a huge area. This spell is most useful for farming, i must say. But you can experiment and see which spell works best for you. At lvl 4 there will be 20 Pellets and don't forget these deal piercing damage. The cooldown is ok 12 seconds but mana cost is 120.
Now .....3.....2....1..... tadadada...!
Your Ultimate Assassinate (T) "Take time to aim, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range. " at level 3 this deals 655 damage at an astonishing 2500 range, it has 1.5 seconds casting time. Take care because this will need mana, 375 it is, but only 12 seconds cooldown, so you can hunt them down fast.
Try to get items that will give you critical and damage so you only need 1 shot to kill 'em. You should constantly watch the battlefield and buy boots of travel, this way you can teleport fast near any low hp enemy hero and TAKE HIM DOWN. p.s. check back soon.
credit by maxQ
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Kael ,The invoker Skills,Spells
Kael The Invoker Skills/ Spells Guide on 6.50 Dota-Allstars Map. This is the compiled guide about Invoker skills and spells. By typing "-invokelist" in game you can see an overview of his skills.
You can have 3 total orbs out at at time.Unlike any other hero in DOTA, these skills can be maxed to a level of 7. That means that Quas can give you a maximum of 15.75 +hp regen per tick, Exort can give you 21% IMS and +42% IAS, and Exort can give you a max of +63 damage.
Switching between orbs is instant cast and mana cost free, without cooldown, so feel free to mix it up by throwing on x3 Quas when your HP is low, for instance, and Wex/Exort when fighting. And unlike other heroes, Invoker gets his "ult" at level 5, although his "ult" really is only the ability to cast spells.
Orb Bonuses:
Each orb gives a special bonus when it is on active. They all scale linearly. You can have 3 orbs on you at any given point, and there are 7 levels, so 7*3=21 maximum level of power on any specific orb.
Quas - 0.75 hp bonus regen per level per instance
Wex - 2% AS and 1% MS per level per instance
Exort - 3 damage per level per instance
Orb Combinations:
There are 10 combinations total. Order is not a consideration. So if you have 2 exort and 1 quas, thats all that matters, not which came first. It is more intuitive and usable than before. The abilities are based on which properties form them.
The 10 combinations are:
As previously stated, this has 4 levels.. There is a new mechanic here that didn't exist before. Its dual invokes. This is allowed on higher levels of Invoke.
Level 1: 30 CD, 20 Manacost
Level 2: 30 CD, 40 Manacost, 2 Invokes
Level 3: 15 CD, 60 Manacost, 2 Invokes
Level 4: 5 CD, 80 Manacost, 2 Invokes
Sunday, May 25, 2008
DotA allstars Lich King Tips
Kel`Thuzad - The Lich
Range: 580 Move Speed: 280
Primary: INT
Str: 18 + 1.55 Agi: 15 + 2 Int: 18 + 3.25
Damage: 37 - 49 HP: 492 Mana: 234
HP Regen: 0.79 Mana Regen: 0.73
Attack Speed: 1.44 Armor: 1
Frost Nova (V)
Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
Level 1 - 50 target damage and 75 nova damage.
Level 2 - 100 target damage and 100 nova damage.
Level 3 - 125 target damage and 125 nova damage.
Level 4 - 175 target damage and 150 nova damage.
Mana Cost: 125/150/170/190
Cooldown: 9
Comment: This is the Lich's basic damage spell (nuke), and in the game called DoTA it makes sense to level up nuke spells as quickly as possible. By level 7 you can raise this to level 4, making it a very painful spell against your enemies and, used together with Dark Ritual, makes the Lich a powerhouse nuker and harasser. To use this spell the Lich has to select a target, which will receive 325 spell damage (not yet factoring in magic resistance) while enemy units near the target will be damaged for 150 spell damage as well. You as the Lich receive this nuking power at level 7. Note that the cooldown for Frost Nova is 9.25 seconds.
Frost Armor (F)
Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows attacking melee units for 2 seconds.
Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 2 armor.
Level 2 - Adds 4 armor.
Level 3 - Adds 6 armor.
Level 4 - Adds 8 armor.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 5
Comment: The recent buffs to the Lich increased the armor provided to 3/6/9/12 that lasts for 40 seconds (not 25), making it much more imbalanced as the Lich is now able to give free sets of Dragon (Knight) armor to everyone, abusing the duration. Great as this spell is, the Lich only learns it after he has maxed out his other 2 skills. If there are many melee enemy heroes that deal little attack damage (eg caster earthshaker, ogre magi), it may be useful to take just 1 level of this spell to provide the slow effect. Otherwise max this skill to provide a reduction of attack damage, very useful against late-game heroes who depend on attack damage. More about this spell later.
Dark Ritual (D)
Sacrifices a target friendly unit to convert its hit points into mana.
Level 1 - 15% of hit points to mana.
Level 2 - 30% of hit points to mana.
Level 3 - 45% of hit points to mana.
Level 4 - 60% of hit points to mana.
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 55/50/45/40
Comment: The spell which makes the Lich fearsome as a nuker, it is used in conjunction with Frost Nova to repeatedly bombard the Sentinel with ice blasts. This spell requires you to sacrifice a friendly creep to regain mana based on its remaining hit points. Therefore it is best to select a full-HP Ghoul (scourge melee creep) and kill it preferably before it is doing battle so that you can regain as much mana as possible. We will discuss more aspects of this spell later on.
Chain Frost (C)
Releases a jumping breath of frost that can jump up to 7 times. Frost will bounce back and forth between units that are within 750 range.
Level 1 - Deals 280 damage per hit.
Level 2 - Deals 370 damage per hit.
Level 3 - Deals 460 damage per hit.
Level 4 - (with Aghanim Scepter) - Deals 580 damage per hit.
Mana Cost: 200/ 325 / 500/ 500
Cooldown: 145 / 115 / 60 / 60
Comment: This is probably what the Lich is most well-known for. The timing of this powerful spell is what makes or breaks the Lich. Due to various buffs on the Lich, level 3 Chain Frost now has a cooldown of 60 seconds (not 95). Therefore it is easily abusable late-game and probably only a few other ultimate spells like Laguna Blade and Finger of Death can match its cooldown. With Aghanim's Scepter, Chain Frost deals 550 damage per bounce and leashes out 7 bounces instead of the usual 6, and improves cast range from 750 to 850. We will discuss more on this spell to maximise its power.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
DotA Map 6.49ai Changelog
6.49ai Changelog
* Added a new recipe item (Armlet of Mordiggian)
* Added a new recipe item (Orchid Malevolence)
* Added a new recipe item (Shiva's Guard)
* Added a new base item (Javelin,139527)
* Remade Power Treads
* Changed Monkey King Bar recipe
* Remade Vladmir's Offering
* Reduced Ultimate Orb price by 50 gold
* Mystic Staff price from 2900 to 2700 gold
* Reduced movement speed bonus from Boots of Travel by 5
* Reduced Linken's Sphere recipe by 100 gold
* Changed the second secret shop model (to Goblin Shop) and the shop's carried items
* Bottle and Ring of Basilius no longer shift positions in your inventory when used
* Reduced Black King Bar cooldown from 100 to 85 seconds
* Increased Kelen's Dagger of Escape cooldown from 25 to 30 seconds
* Improved Bloodstone's charge regeneration rates
* Reduced mana cost on Hand of Midas
* Lowered mana cost on Helm of the Dominator
* Purchasing Bottle fills it to 2/3 instead of to maximum.
* Lowered Eaglehorn price from 3400 to 3300 gold
* Dagon's mana costs and cooldown now decreases per level
* Reduced mana cost on Nathrezim Buckler
* Euls and Guinsoo now share cooldown
* Lowered Gloves of Haste price from 610 to 550 gold
* Recoded Aghanim's Scepter. It can now be dropped, sold and disassembled. It also properly updates itself in deathmatch.
* Decreased Linken's Sphere cooldown from 60 to 40 seconds
* Reduced Hyperstone price from 2300 to 2100 gold
*Remade N'aix
* Changed Crystal Maiden's Brilliance Aura to a global effect
* Increased Acid Spray duration by 4 seconds
* Undid previous Jugg armor buff and increased starting strength by 3 and movement speed from 290 to 295
* Removed the invulnerability period while Priestess of the Moon is leaping
* Lowered Puck's initial Intelligence and Intelligence Growth
* Lion's Mana Drain is now faster (same mana drain over 4 seconds instead of 5)
* Changed Dark Rift from channeling to cast delay and reduced mana cost
* Increased cooldown on Call of the Wild
* Increased Lich attack range from 500 to 550
* Increased Pit Lord's movement speed and starting Intelligence
* Improved cast and attack animation time on Broodmother
* Decreased cooldown on Death Coil from 15 to 11 seconds
* Rewrote Fissure to avoid Entangle and Impale based spell conflicts
* Improved Chen's movement speed by 5
* Reduced Bristleback's strength growth from 2.7 to 2.2
* Reduced Poof's cooldown and mana cost
* New loading screen art (kunkka.deviantart.com)
* Added player index flags to replays
* Fixed a typo with Reaper's Scythe
* Fixed some rare exploits with the Freeze Leaver system
* Improved Harbinger's story (Terrorblaze)
* New Spectre background story (-Jenova-)
* New Visage background story (Grujah)
* New Storm Spirit background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Ogre Magi background story (Digital Anomaly)
* New Alchemist background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Lion background story (vertigo12)
* New Centaur background story (-Jenova-)
* New Slardar background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Tinker background story (Grujah)
* New Rigwarl background story (Volcove)
* New Zeus background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Pudge background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Traxex background story (Volcove)
* New Vengeful Spirit background story (-Jenova-)
* New Mortred background story (Inferno[DK])
* Fixed various item tooltips
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
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Saturday, April 5, 2008
dotaallstars 6.51
6.51 Changelog===============*
Fixed a bug with Kellen’s Dagger that caused it to sometimes not get disabled when hit*
*Fixed Land Mines tooltie
Increased cast range of Kelen’s Dagger
*Undid previous Bottle changes. Bottle now works as follows: Costs 600 gold, does not require mana to refill, auto-fills it when you are near fountain, rune refills it to full, resells at 50% like normal, purchasable at base only, regenerates less than previously, has no usage cooldown.
* Fixed Medusa’s Mana Shield from triggering Essence Aura
* Fixed Searing Arrows’ tooltip* Changed Hyperstone purchase hotkey to fix a conflict* Fixed a bug with Invoker when creating illusions
* Updated Kelen’s Dagger tooltip
* Undid some of Morphling’s base damage buff from last version
* Fixed Bloodrage tooltip* Fixed Pulse Nova and Invoker’s Reagents from triggering Last Word
* Smokescreen interrupts teleportation once again* Color coded Invoker’s spell descriptions (203050)
* Improved Sange’s percentage and Yasha’s percentage, and lowered the recent buff on S&Y a little* Fixed Vladmir’s Offering sell cost* Increased Counter Helix chance by 2%* Minor bonus armor in True Form
* Improved the effect timing on Split Earth (187877)* -swapcancel code is triggered when a swap is successful (to prevent other accidental swaps)
* Improved Shuriken Toss cast range* Added new Backtrack icon (183079)
* Changed Battlefury recipe slightly* Lowered Poof casting time from 2 to 1.5 seconds* Lowered Elder Dragon Form’s manacost and cooldown a little* Added neutrals field to -cs* Changed Phantom Edge’s secondary ability from evasion to magic resistance
* Replaced Phantom Assassin’s Shadow Strike with a different similar ability (132694)* Fixed a minor coding bug with Time Lapse* Fixed Impale based spells from moving Juggernaut during Omnislash
* Added new icon for Melting Strike* Reduced some lag with Invoker* Fixed level 1 March of the Machines doing slightly less damage than intended* Removed stock cooldown on Ironwood Branch
* Added a new system that tracks when you help an ally kill a hero (no gameplay ramifications at this point)* -swap is now allowed in -sd
* Fixed some minor neutrals’ vision and pathing glitches
* Lowered level 1 and 2 cast range on Replicate
* Lowered Phantom Assassin’s cast animation time
* Fixed a bug with Exorcism’s cooldown after leveling Witchcraft* Fixed some issues with -ah
* Refined how some kill related messages and sounds are shown* Increased mana regeneration on Perseverance by 25%* Lowered Buriza recipe by 250 gold
* Changed Voodoo Restoration to heal over a smoother interval (same total regen)* Lowered Manta Style’s cooldown a bit* Fixed a bug with Voodoo Restoration and Impales
* Fixed a bug with invoker in -spreverse* Fixed some inconsistencies with tower visions (TheLoneWolf14)
* Increased duration of Lycanthrope’s wolves a bit and allowed them to attack air
Monday, March 24, 2008
Some interesting stuff on how Luna’s Eclipse works
Luna’s ultimate…
1. The damage of Eclipse is dependent on the level of Lucent beam
2. If you have Eclipse yet did not put one single level on Lucent beam, the Eclipse will not produce any damage at all, just a pretty lightshow.
3. Many enemies would mean the beams will be distributed almost evenly.
4. If a single Hero is in your Eclipse’s AOE range he will not receive all of the beams only the maximum, depending on the level of eclipse (Ex. level 3 has a maximum of 4 eclipse)
5. Aghanims will increase the number of Lucent beams and the maximum beams that would hit the target. (Ex. level 3 would have 12 beams and a maximum of 5 beams hitting a single target.)
If you have a level 2 Eclipse it is better to cast it against 2 heroes. Cast it on 3 heroes when you reach level 3 Eclipse so as not to waste the extra beams.
Friday, March 7, 2008
How to kill hero? just right click the hero that you want to kill.
How to kill hero? just right click the hero that you want to kill.
That's obviously a ridiculous answer.
If the hero has disable skills, make sure you have one level of Fear. That would silence her. Note that Fear only works at night.
Silence, and start hitting. Once the person starts to run, Void. Keep hitting. By the time Fear wears off, the cooldown for Void should be finish by then and the damage from Void would be enough to take the enemy down if you have been constantly hitting her after the first Void.
Chasing through towers to kill is an option, but do it in a wise way and make sure you don't get disabled.
Aim for low life heroes. From there, aim the fragile one. The kind of weak and fragile heroes, would be the Int heroes. Silence, and hit your way through.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Section #5:
Dominate the WHOLE MAP!
Map control is an essential part of the game if you want to win. Learn how to legally take control of the map with wards!
Warding Effectively
Don't waste your wards on useless planted spots! We will show you the best places to plant wards for massive devastation!
How to avoid backstab by proper placement tips provided by our expert teams!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Section #4:
Strengthen your Team with better Laning!
Common Laning Practices
Understanding the 2 types of laning that pros use in tournaments!
Winning with 3 heroes in the middle!
Yes you heard it right, you can win in matches with the 1-3-1 system! Our team will guide you through how to use it and demonstrate its vital importance.
What heroes to use in the traditional 2-1-2 system
We will show you Examples from the top clans like Mi2 and Pugna what they used in this system and explain the combinations you can use, as effectively as them.
The Ultimate Middle Push Strategy
Killer heroes, you can use to Push the middle quickly and what you can do to prevent people from stopping your attack.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Section #3:
Here is your KEY to Drafting!
The right skills/spells are the right time
Understanding what to look out for when deciding which heroes to use; choose wisely after analyzing their skill and spell capabilities.
Lethal AoE!
Killer AoE combos that you can use in your draft to get the ultimate result!
Is Healer a must?
We break down heroes who are healers and how they are been used in tournaments!
What your drafts MUST HAVE!
We let you in on the must-haves of all the top clans! Do not miss out on this!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Section #2:
Become an All Pro Late Gamer
Make the choices of heroes every time
This section will give you the skills you need to effectively choose the right heroes for the right purposes to be a late gamer.
Learn what the pros use and why!
Have you wondered how pro-gamers push so fast in tournaments? We will show you examples by clan DsD and what they use in tournaments.
What to look for in choosing good heroes?
Puzzled as to which heroes to use for your pushing strategy? Our team of experts will guide you thoroughly with Q and As things to look out for to effectively choose good heroes.
Identify what type of strategy your opponents are using!
Not sure who you are competing against? We will give you valuable tips and hints of what to look for to identify to help you plan your draft more effectively.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Section #1:
Section #1:
Get tips on how the Pros plan their Pusher's Strategy
Learn how a Pusher Strategy can help you in your game
Understanding of important points to be considered when planning a pusher strategy. This will help you to balance up your strategy planning.
Definition of a Pusher heroes category
Not sure which heroes are suitable pusher strategy? we teach you what to look out for and which heroes are good push heroes.
Learn how to effectively use a Pusher's Strategy
It's great to plan for a pusher's strategy, but how do you apply it into action effectively? The Dotatips team takes you though them and gives you all the advanced tactics & information you need.
Master the items and skills you need
We give you the ins and outs of how to maximize your hero's skills and items. Learn when and where to put them into action!
Consecutive kills
Consecutive kills
When one player kills a number of players without dying they get a 'bounty' on their head. The more players killed before dying the higher that bounty gets. Players are alerted in the game via sound. When someone finally kills that player they receive the bounty gold in addition to the regular 100 gold for killing a hero.
Kills Sound Bounty
3 Killing Spree 50
4 Dominating 100
5 Mega-Kill 150
6 Unstoppable 200
7 Wicked Sick 250
8 M-m-m-m....Monster Kill 300
9 Godlike 350
10+ Beyond Godlike/Holy Shit (somebody stop/kill him!) 400
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
DotA Tips #1
Greetings, I have something for you! ^_^ Just kidding...... nice joke isn't it? But wait ! I did REALLY have something to tell you! A good discovery...still remember the DotA tip of the day? I mentioned the 25% spell reduction theory and resultant damage. Those are SPELLS... spell it out with me! As-Pi-Ee-El-El gREAT!Hooah! Nice pronunciation. Just another joke :P *Smile!Let's get to the topic.I'm gonna talk about the calculation with regard to the armor and PHYSICAL damage reduction. Ever wondered why you've got 6 divine rapier with a godlike?...errr no... -HIGH attack damage of positive +1500 but need over 4 hits to slay a tiny wini winky weak Nerubian Assassin of life 3000? You saw that NA bleeding profusely with your Stealth Assassin's backstab; with every precise attack directed at the only heart of the hero, vent to slice off it's head and without mercy, took the limbs off like "You Zha Kuay(You Tiao;dough sticks)"........But things may go the wrong way as you draw out the final shining edge and down goes the blade....when YOU ARE BEING PAWNED INSTEAD! Pooh! You are DEAD!WHY WHY WHY! That's because your damage are redirected back to you by NA's very own hardened spikes. Blame it on yourself. 6 divine rapier without any items to boost your strength which result in such a miserable scene.Let me answer you... why a respected hero damage of 1.5k can't kill heroes of 3k life in 2 hits? That's because of wearing armor! An armor can protect you from weaponary attacks, but not in Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne. They serve as damage reduction purposes. The higher your armor, the more damage you can reduce. Clear? For example, a 20% damage reduction would meant a damage of 100 inflicted on you but down your life by 80.For advance cases- types of armor, further reduction may occur.No pictures here or it'll take up some time......but you can refer to you hero/creeps stats screen.Types of attack: Normal, Siege, Pierce, Magic, Chaos, Hero - 6 of them. When you see "" do extra damage against "" but reduced damage against "", most** means doing 50% more damage or 50% less damage.As for positive armor, how do you know what is the damage reduction?To calculate, multiply your armor by 0.06 and divide by the same answer with a +1.E.g If you have 1 armor, 0.06/1.06 X 100% = 6(rdn off)% less damage!As for negative armor,(meaning you wear your armor the wrong side?) you'll take extra damage instead of being reduced. However, the calculation is different: It's 2 minus 0.94^armour.E.g If you have -1 armor, 2-0.94 X 100% = 106% => 6 % more damage!If you buy armor you don't need to buy life! E.g If you have 20 armor, 20X0.06/1+20X0.06 = 55% reduction. This means your "real" life is +55%! If you have 1000 life, it would be equivalent to 1550! --> You buy two plate mail for $2800, gained 550 life which is = 29 strength that needs 3 orge axe of $3000. Hmmm.... 天天省省省,"阿么"最棒! Some short questions to test your understanding: (You may need some knowledge of armor types)A hero with heroic attack of damage 79-83 hits a tower with heavy armor of 15 points. What is the average damage inflicted on the tower? Hence, calculate the number of tower's hitpoints lost.An unarmored archer with piercing attack shot an arrow worth of 66 damage to a flying Gryphon with medium armor of 6 points, 10% damage reflection and spirit linked to a hero of heroic attack damage 60-80 and heroic armor with 4 points. What is the hitpoint lost by the archer, Gryphon and the hero?** Not all attack types against armor types reduction/amplification are 50% based.Blizzard: Pierce do 75% to normal armor and double damage to light armor, magic do 125% to light armor, 75% to medium armor and double damage to heavy armor, normal do 70% to fortified armor, pierce and magic do 35% damage to fortified armor